Profile PictureLuigi Corcelli

Nom de plume Korcy, Luigi Corcelli in the real life, I was an ex Drawing and Art teacher. What most characterised me has always been the burning insatisfaction, the continue research for something new.. related both to content and to supports. I've painted malaise, disconmfort, loneliness. I've painted joy, happiness, freedom. I've made oil painting on canvas, I've used temperas and watercolours. The constant has always been my study of new and different supports, such as boads, straw-paper, digital means.. Still biting today, I keep on looking for new ways.. and today I try to make mine and to diffuse a new reality.. the digital one! I'm painting with a digital pen on a digital board, using programmes and softwares wich allow me to rielaborate pictures through photo editing and overlapping. I think it's no longer time to comunicate with brush and boards, and I'm sure that digital pictures are the Art future!

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Smiling baby

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Old and dog

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